Download Streaming Film God of Novels (2020) Full Movie kualitas HD Bluray mp4 240p 360p 480p 720p 1080p – Ichiya Chitani (Taiki Sato) memulai debutnya sebagai novelis saat masih duduk di bangku SMP. Novel-novelnya mendapat kritik keras dan tidak populer. Sekarang, Ichiya Chitani adalah siswa sekolah menengah. Kepercayaan dirinya sebagai penulis tertembak. Suatu hari, seorang editor mengusulkan agar Ichiya Chitani berkolaborasi dengan teman sekelasnya Shiina Koyurugi (Kanna Hashimoto), yang merupakan penulis populer, dalam sebuah novel. Editor menginginkan sebuah novel yang dapat menyentuh hati orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Ichiya Chitani dan Shiina Koyurugi memiliki kepribadian yang sangat berbeda dan berada pada level yang berbeda dalam hal popularitas sebagai penulis, berkolaborasi dalam sebuah novel baru.
Ichiya Chitani (Taiki Sato) made his debut as a novelist when he was in middle school. His novels received severe criticisms and were not popular. Now, Ichiya Chitani is a high school student. His confidence as a writer is shot. One day, an editor proposes that Ichiya Chitani collaborate with his classmate Shiina Koyurugi (Kanna Hashimoto), who is a popular writer, on a novel. The editor wants a novel that can touch the hearts of people around the world. Ichiya Chitani and Shiina Koyurugi have completely different personalities and reside on different levels in terms of popularity as writers, collaborate on a new novel.